A few weeks ago, we received news that Zack Snyder will be releasing what is now popularized as the “Snyder Cut” of the 2017 Warner Bros. film that left fans divided and confused, the (then long-awaited) Justice League. For those who are not familiar with the history of the film, let us break it down.
Snyder directed the film - well a huge part of it - until he had to leave production after an unfortunate and horrible family tragedy - the death of his daughter. After his leaving, Joss Whedon was hired in replacement of Snyder to finish the film. Whedon was the man behind the Avengers film, and he made some alleged major changes to the Justice League film, changes that probably weren't the best, and we know how that turned out. Once the fans were made aware of what actually happened, the hashtag #ReleaseTheSnyderCut was born.
It’s been more than two years, and most fans have moved on, but the hashtag lived on and Snyder remained imminent about releasing his own version of the film, probably because he believes that he owes it to himself and the fans. But hey, we’re not complaining. As part of the deal, Snyder announced that he will also be calling upon the original cast members to return for the “Snyder Cut”.
The Snyder Cut is expected to premier on HBO Max in 2021 and will explore more of Cyborg’s story, while also addressing the butchered plot pieces that incompletely completed the 2017 film. We are expecting to see a much darker version of the Justice League, but we won't be sharing any opinion this time. Let's see what the fans come up with in the coming weeks.