Baby proofing your home should begin even before you welcome baby home. I mean, you don’t want to be caught off guard! The trick to baby proofing your home right, is to see everything the way your infant does. Since he operates on a different level, you’re going to have to get on all fours. Here’s a rundown of the more common hazards you’ll find in your household and how to remove them from your baby’s way.
You should never leave your baby alone in the bathtub. Ever. Even if it’s just an inch of a tub full. Also, set your water heater to 120° F.or lower to prevent scalding and never position your baby within reach of the faucet. Cover the faucet with the Skip Hop Moby Bath Spout Cover Universal Fit and lay down this Anti Skid Baby Bathtub Mat to help prevent your baby from slipping.
Babies love exploring but that can cause a lot of danger, especially when they venture into kitchen and bath-room cabinets. You have to remove all potentially poisonous substances and sharp objects out of sight and into locked or high cabinets. To be extra safe, purchase childproof safety latches for every cabinet in your home regardless of what they contain.
Babies love climbing out of cribs. As soon as he starts to pull himself up, move the crib mattress to its lowest position and remove mobiles, crib toys, and bumper pads that could help him on his journey out.
Infants would chew on cords and wires or pull on them, bringing down lamps or other heavy objects on their heads. Move all cords well out of your child's reach.
Plug outlets are extremely hazardous. Babies can get an electrical shock by sticking their fingers (usually wet from saliva) into these outlets. Keep them hidden behind heavy furniture or inaccessible. You can close them off with safety plugs or covers that snap shut when they aren’t in use.
When entertaining guests at home, make sure you immediately empty and wash ashtrays and glasses. Leftover cigarettes and alcoholic beverages are toxic substances to babies.
Unstable wall units, dressers, bookcases, or tables can topple over on babies who try to climb up on them. Have wobbly furniture repaired, or bolt questionable pieces to the wall. Make sure area rugs are secured with nonskid backing, and repair loose tiles, linoleum, and carpeting to prevent tripping.
I hope you find these basic baby proofing tips helpful!